Where else would the daily special be Tuna Melt with tater tots? At Scotties, a cowboy bar and attached casino (all the bars come with a casino) in downtown Kalispell.
Spent a week out there late last month with Jane, worked on my novel and again just fell in love with the place. (The second photo is my workspace at Jane's neighbor Joanie's, where I did my writing every day. Also the Mission Mountains, the saloon Michael built at Angeda and Jane's beautiful Achewa.) There's something about that area -- the scenery and wide open spaces (like my favorite Dixie Chicks song) -- that I'm really drawn too. Already trying to figure out how to get back again -- maybe a writers conference in the fall. Did I mention people consider Kalispell a vortex, like Sedona, Arizona? It seems to draw creative types and people starting over, and everyone you meet is like a long lost friend.