Friday, February 16, 2007


I'm obsessed with my characters. After interviewing them and creating their back stories, prompted by Hannah, I feel like these real people are now living in my head. It's becoming difficult to focus on my everyday life, with all their conversations going on! I'm carrying my notebook around and scribbling in it whenever I have a second, using my laptop when I'm at home.

I've read a lot of books about writing and I used to think authors were exaggerating, making it sound more accidental and easier than it really was, to write like this. But it's like their lives are going on in my head and I have to get them out or I'll go nuts -- it's so cool!

So off to the even more freezing and snowy Rhode Island I go, notebook in hand, for my mom's 75th birthday party. It'll be great to be with my yankee people, especially with my three southern belles in tow. It occurred to me this morning that mom had just turned 25 when she had me, and I was her fourth kid in five years. No wonder she's crazy!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I can relate! I write too, and I wonder that if I don't write about my characters, I'll go crazy, like you wrote. I used to think writing was a waste of time, but now I realize I have to do it for my mental heath.
Thank you for your great blog! Keep writing!