The thing about people who live in rural Maine is, they hunt. And as a result, they sometimes have extra heads hanging around, like these here. My brother plans to take them to his fishing camp out on Big Beaver Pond -- 200-acres way off the beaten track (far from the maddened crowds of Rangeley, pop. 1000, that is) with just two cabins on it, Mark's and one other guy's. He fly fishes there, and the sound of the loons across the water is haunting and beautiful. But for now, they're just hanging around the office, and are the first thing you see as you enter. A funny little reminder that we weren't in Arlington any more...
The other head is a moose my nephew Byron got when he was 14. He won a prize for biggest antlers in the state that year. I've never been a big hunting enthusiast, but that's gotta be a pretty cool experience for a teenaged boy.
Hey Karen, Love your photos and following your adventures this summer. I thought you'd want to know that your New England trip photos are stacked on top of one another so that they are not all visible. Maybe it is the computer I'm viewing from at work, but you should check it out.
Karen---I stumbled upon this blog after one of my friends was talking about her blog and I went surfing to get a better idea about blogging. Your photos and writing are fantastic! The journey you are on is fascinating. Keep blogging so we'll know when to get your novel.
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