Friday, August 03, 2007

Disappointing Setback, Awesome Pie

I failed in my attempt to run 18 miles today. I was feeling good, positive I could do it. But I had overdone it on Tuesday, doing lunges up and down the street in Ginny's class, and the muscles in my legs (which I clearly don't use while running) ached badly for the next two days. That was my first mistake. My legs felt like lead the whole way.

My second was taking an endurance supplement full of vitamins and caffeine, called Rodeola. I've taken it before, but just one pill. Today I took two, thinking for 18 miles two was reasonable. It made my heart race, and after about 10 miles I started getting rushes and feeling lightheaded. I told Jane to run on ahead and I would take it a bit slower and see her at home at about mile 13.5.

Less than a mile later I flagged down a woman on a bike and asked to borrow her cell phone. I thought I was going to faint. I couldn't reach anyone, so she, a good samaritan named Groenya (Gaelic name, no idea how it's spelled) went home and got her car, came back to get me and drove me home to Jane's.

I walked down to the bike trail and met Jane as she was finishing up -- that woman is a machine. I was so upset I hadn't made it, but she convinced me it was just a minor setback, that they are quite common. I"ve gotta stick to the training program, maybe quit doing Ginny's class until the race, and get back up to speed for the next run -- 20 miles.

Jane warned me when we signed up for this that I would become obsessed with it, that it would take over my life and no-one would want to hear this crap. I know it's true. So I apologize for writing about it, and promise to keep future posts on this boring subject to a minimum.

Meanwhile, I saw the movie The Waitress earlier this week, and in it Keri Russell makes the most amazing and fantastically-named pies you've ever seen. I was so inspired I had to make one too -- crust and all. So that's what I did -- check it out. Pretty Martha, huh? And hard to believe, I know, that I am something of a domestic goddess too...


Anonymous said...

Well, I for one, never tire of hearing your stories about exercise...especially if I am IN them! All kidding aside, I am sorry to be part of the cause of your "minor setback" today. If it makes you feel any better the vast majority of my clients felt sore from the leg work we did earlier in the week [me too] but none of them attempted to run 18 miles. I applaud your efforts and know that you will get back on track. How about if you still come to class but just do upper body work , abs, core but no heavy duty leg work? I will miss you terribly if you don't come to see me until sometime in October. In fact, I don't know if I could stand it!

What I want to know is: Is the pie low calorie and How was the movie?

Anonymous said...

Good effort on the run - very few people can run 5 miles much less 18. Keep it up & you'll meet your goal & get to eat more pie!

Anonymous said...

You did 14 today! That is a huge accomplishment most people don't even ever do! You will be able to do this, you are more than half way there and we still have lots of time. As I told you, you need to stick to the same program every single week. I think also we need to cut back on the active talking as that can also tire you out, so I am partly to blame! Next long run, we will take our mp3s. take it slow and steady and you will do fine. Also, eat lots of pie the week before....your pie is beautiful, we need to have a pie tasting contest soon....your running buddy, or as you say, energizer