Wednesday, February 14, 2007

ID's, please!

The good news is I'm getting a little comment chatter on my blog -- yeah! The bad news is everyone who posts a comment has the same name, Anonymous. This gets a little confusing, especially trying to have any kind of dialogue with people with different points of view.

So come on, guys -- pick something a little more creative. How about Agent 99? 007? John or Jane Smith? Pleeeaase?!


Anonymous said...

But the concept of remaining anonymous suits me. My dad always used to say, "Be mysterious."

KB Concepts PR said...

Yeah, well I must have been absent the day that lesson was taught. Hence this tell-all blog! I'm an Aries, the ram -- all my life I've gotten what I wanted by just battering down walls with my horns. No sublety, no mystery. But once in a very great while, and I can't count them on one hand, that hasn't worked. No matter how hard I battered, the wall didn't come down.

I'm actually encountering one of those times right now in my life. And my astrologer -- yes, I have an astrologer, Gregg, and he is awesome!! -- just did my annual reading and says I'm going to have to go it alone this year. That it will be one of great introspection and soul searching, a lonely quest for the true meaning of my life at this point.

So instead of bashing down the wall, I may have to look for the door on the other side and walk through it. A new approach, a scary new start? We shall see.

In the meantime, anonymous (and stubbornly determined to remain so), I hope your fellow anonymous decides to give me a break and come up with a new pseudonym so I can tell you guys apart. Otherwise the mystery is simply confusion.

KB Concepts PR said...

I meant to say I CAN count them on one hand, in my previous comment. I just discovered I can edit my posts on this blog, but not rhe comments. Must be more careful.

Anonymous said...

Isn't a blog and the internet anonymous by it's very nature? A simple appellation attached to your comments doesn't exactly tell the world who you are. I think that's all kbbate is asking for, some way to track conversations.

So you have an astrologer...I had my charts read a good many years ago. Scary how right-on some things were, particularly personality traits and the like. It gave name to some things that I instinctively knew about myself but had never really defined. Like a VERY STRONG sense of fairness. And not just for myself. I find myself getting emotionaly caught up in things when I see someone being slighted. As a Pices (and I don't know if this is a typical Pices trait) I tend to patiently work my way around or over or under the wall rather than trying to break it down. I guess it goes hand in hand with my desire/need for peace and calm within my "inner circle". I don't like yelling. I don't like arguements. Give me quiet and calm any day. I "chose" friends on the same basis. I have a somewhat nebulous term that I use for people...Gentle Souls. I seek them out.