Friday, February 02, 2007

Web 2.0: Returning Power to the People

Went to another very cool seminar on Web 2.0 today -- i love this stuff! Think about it -- YouTube, Google, bloggers, Code Pink,, these guys are all doing the same thing -- sharing information, getting people involved, influencing public opinion and galvanzing activism from the bottom up. Code Pink activists are going to "occupy" every congressional office on Monday that hasn't publicly repudiated Bush and Cheney's surge, to remind them that we all voted in November to get OUT of Iraq. This kind of thing, and so many other examples, is finally giving power back to the people.

For too long our leaders have thought they could do whatever the hell they wanted with impunity, because what could we do if we disagreed, even if we found out about it? There were so many secrets and lies, about CIA activities, about who they took money from and what they quietly tacked onto legislation. But those days are over, and our "decider" is in for a rude awakening. As wonderful Molly Ivins said in her last column before dying, WE are the deciders, and thanks to Web 2.0, the bloggers and You Tubers -- remember macaca?? -- our message can be heard loud and clear and the powers that be have to listen and act if they want to hold onto their seats.

No more bullshit, because it will be exposed. It's like the old days of our democracy, when people gathered at town meetings and decided stuff together. Now the town meetings just take place online. It's so exciting and awesome. Can't you feel it? It's revolutionary -- power to the people, baby, oh yeah!!

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