Friday, April 20, 2007

Life and Death

A friend sent me this today. It comes from a psychic out in California, natch -- where else? It's an interesting idea, although I think you could substitute any beautiful place in nature, that gives you the kind of soaring inspired feeling you get in a cathedral. That said and despite my problems with religion, I do find cathedrals full of music to be amazing places. And I'm interested in this whole idea of our personality, our ego, as a separate thing from us as part of a collective whole. In this sense the soul is the same as the Eastern idea of being part of the universe, beauty, the ultimate goodness, or what some call god.


The following is a question asked by a Study Group Member: "Please
elaborate on the relationship between a soul and its human self. You
have said that we do not need to worry about dying because we are
eternal souls. But, I think you have also said that the human
personality self, the personality matrix, is self aware for a short
time after death, and then merges back into the soul. So, really it
would seem that the human personality self does end. Would you please
clarify this?"

The Guides' Answer (through Ron Scolastico, Ph.D.):

"If you can understand what we will show you, then all fear of death
will vanish.

The human personality self could be likened to your left thumb as
you are sitting in a cathedral where there is beautiful architecture,
and colored glass, and holy sounds being made by a choir. If you
turned your attention fully to your thumb, you would not notice any of
that. You would only notice your thumb.

As a soul, you are sitting in a cathedral of eternal love, and
perfection, and creativity, and beauty, and goodness. And, a certain
part of your attention is focusing on your thumb. In other words, what
you experience as you-as-a-human is a small portion of the attention,
or the awareness, of you-as-an-eternal soul. The rest of the awareness
of you-as-an-eternal-soul is blocked out from your human awareness.

When your body meets death, that 'sliver' of soul consciousness
that has been focusing on its thumb is turned back to the full
attention in the cathedral. What you experience as you simply stops
being small, and it becomes large. It does not vanish. So, your human
self does not vanish. It simply wakes up to its existence as an
eternal soul. Nothing is lost."

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